SailThru Ventures

SailThru Ventures

We Are The   SailThru Ventures

Our mission is to helporganisations to grow from seed to scale

our Philosophy

Focused Strategy

Selective Deals

Exit Smart

0 +
Company Portfolio
0 +
Years Of Experience

The future isn’t built by dreamers. It’s built today, by doers. It’s crafted by people who live on the edge of cultural trends and understand where things are heading.

About Us

Success comes from taking the initiative. Our actions today shall determine the outcome for the future. We at Sailthru Ventures take immense pride and pleasure in the work we do.

Our strategy involves synthesising ideas and entrepreneurs based on their conviction and market opportunities. We look for companies and founders that can differentiate themselves and aim to provide value proposition to their customers. Supporting founders at an early stage requires a unique and personalized approach Our aim is to not only fund their ideas but also help them SailThru the ups and downs of their journey.

At SailThru, we are investors with a belief that venture building is our key priority and capital is a natural by-product.

Start-up Financing is not just about raising funds, it is a holistic process that involves proper business planning with thoughtful growth targets, deciding business valuation as per the current market standards, planning potential exit options for investors

– Nucleus Partners

SailThru Ventures

Aside from the financial backing, SailThru Ventures can provide a start-up or young business with a valuable source of guidance and consultation. Making better decisions in key areas can be vitally important as your business grows.

Our Vision

At SailThru, our core business model is centred around building an incubation culture for our organisations, to catalyse their growth.

Our Mission

We build enduring relationships with companies, and offer hand-holding and guidance across each stage of growth.

Our Portfolio

Our Portfolio


Bummer is a direct-to-consumer innerwear brand for women and men.

Skippi ice pops

Skippi Ice Pops operates as an Ice Popsicle brand.

Revamp moto

Revamp Moto Provides Electric Bikes built on Modular Utility Platforms that are Connected, Reliable and built to Adapt

Altor Smart Helmet

Altor builds smart, connected helmet solutions.

Beyond Water

Beyond Water provides natural and tasty hydration solutions with curated flavors to provide vitamins along with normal water consumption.

Our Blog

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